The Mission
To Help Each Person Achieve Their Personal Best.
The Vision
Our Vision is of a future where each person with an intellectual or developmental disability is living in the community and has the supports needed 1) to be a contributing citizen, 2) to live as independently as possible, and 3) to enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle.
WE BELIEVE in creating a "Safety First" culture where individuals are provided the right to experience the 'dignity of risk and failure' but where "health & safety" risks are anticipated, planned for, and mitigated.
WE BELIEVE it is our responsibility to encourage and foster Healthy and Active Lifestyles by promoting Increased Physical Activity, Improved Nutrition, and Enhanced Emotional Wellbeing.
Equity, Opportunity and Inclusion
WE BELIEVE in fostering equity, opportunity and inclusion for all, and celebrating the diversity of employees and individuals we serve, including race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic status
Leadership Development
WE BELIEVE in cultivating leadership development at all levels of the organization.
Fiscal Responsibility
WE BELIEVE in incorporating sound fiscal management practices and decision making in all areas.