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Hire A Worker

Hire A Worker

Favarh places and supports adults with disabilities in a range of jobs at many local business partners throughout and beyond the Farmington Valley area. Favarh works with businesses to match worker skills with business needs. Once adults with disabilities are placed in a work setting, Favarh provides ongoing job support to ensure employer satisfaction.  Employers report that there are many benefits to engaging adults with disabilities. 

Options for businesses to engage our workers:

  • Group-supported employment: Favarh provides businesses with a crew of three to four people to do a variety of jobs including but not limited to packaging, assembly, manufacturing, shredding, janitorial, clerical, processing, and delivery. Adults with disabilities provide services at the business worksite supported by a full-time, on-site Favarh job coach at no extra cost.
  • Individual employment: Many of the adults we serve have the skills to succeed in a supportive competitive environment.  Favarh matches, trains, and supports those individuals with a personal job coach in appropriate competitive jobs.

Benefits for Employers

Benefits of supporting employment for adults with disabilities:

  • Provides employers with contractors or employees with a high level of reliability, dedication, energy, and enthusiasm.
  • Is highly cost-effective and hassle-free for employers and businesses.  
    • Group-supported employment provides high-quality work for which employer payment is either based on individual production or minimum wage.
    • Favarh acts as a vendor, invoicing employers for hours worked.  Favarh, in turn, pays worker wages.
    • Favarh also provides workers’ compensation and liability insurance.
    • Favarh provides an on-the-job professional job coach at no cost to the employer or business.
  • Allows employers to reassign existing staff from repetitious tasks to work that is more commensurate to their pay grades.

  • Provides the opportunity for adults with disabilities to experience the fulfillment of work, make a productive contribution to their community and economy, and generate income for themselves.

For more information on how hiring people with disabilities can benefit your business, please contact Chris Edge, Business Consultant, via email or at 860-385-0189 or Gail Nebel, Director of Employment Services, via email or at 860.693.6662 Ext. 137.

Network of Business Partners

Favarh Staffing Services Brochure

Favarh Staffing Video

Contact Us

For more information on how hiring people with disabilities can benefit your business, please contact Gail Nebel, Director of Employment Services, via email or at 860.693.6662 Ext. 137 or Amy Rocco, Business Relations Manager, via email or 860.693.6662 Ext. 161.